Wednesday, 8 October 2014

Why India cannot become a superpower?

Because India has many problems,so it has no chance to become a superpower.Read the major problems which will stop it from becoming superpower.

The rise of left-wing insurgency in Central and eastern india (a brutal war between the Maoists and also the Government of India).
The rise of rightist spiritual Protestantism .
The decline and corruption of the democratic center (particularly the conversion of political parties into family firms).
The degradation of public establishments (such as universities, law courts, hospitals, civil services).
The growing (spectacular) gap between the rich and also the poor.
The speedy pace of environmental degradation (air pollution, dead rivers, depletion of groundwater aquifers, disposal of hepatotoxic and nuclear waste, etc.).
The superficiality of the thought media (or “the Indian media’s complicit worship of wealth, celebrity and super-stardom”) and abandonment of commitment to serious environmental reporting.
Political fragmentation and also the instability engendered by multiparty coalition governments (price of support is that the most profitable ministries).
Unreconciled borderlands (Kashmir, Nagaland and Manipur).
Unstable neighborhood (Pakistan, Bangladesh, nepal and Sri Lanka)

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